
Personal Information...

Name: Fallyn

Age: Unknown

Species: Angel

Height: 5'6

Hair Color: Blue with purple in it sometimes

Eyes Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Long term relationship with Sandlephen

Face Claim: Bibi Barbaric


Fallyn is kind hearted. She cares for those around her. She can be naive at times having not been out of Heaven all that much. Despite this she can be spunky and outspoken. She is strong willed in the things she believes.


Some people believe that demons are creatures that fell from heaven. Others that they are humans who became corrupt and fell to hell. Both these stories are true to some degree. Some demons are fallen angels, who became a new brand of demon, some humans manage to corrupt their souls so much they become a demon in their own right. But, the first demons were a race all their own and their home was hell. Just like the home of angels Heaven. The shining kingdom upon which I was born to the man that mortals call God. I was not created by some sort of magic like the angelic brothers or by some virgin girl in some miraculous manifestation to save the world from sin. I was born to my mother the wife of God. A woman whom herself was half demon and half angel.

Forget the stories you have been told. The truth has been buried in the sand of time. Rewritten time after time century after century till it resembles nothing of the true origins of the world. Heaven is the realm of angels and mortals who live the good life come there. Though, God is more forgiving than most people think. My father once told me where there is love there is my grace.

It went on this way for a while till the creation of the race of man. Father created man and the darkness wanting children of her own create the race known as the dark ones. The dark ones and the race of man shared the earth for a time. Till one day the race of man betrayed the dark ones by killing their king and queen. They had grown untrusting of beings who dwelled only in the darkness. Thus, God decided to punish them by removing the sun from the earth. This caused a shift in the balance of power. The Dark Ones being children of darkness thrived in the dark and without the light their powers only grew.

A change of plans...

This caused them to enslave the race of man. Angels who had always been kinder in nature wanted to go and protect God’s other children. But, they couldn’t survive on Earth for long without the sun. So, they were helpless to do anything. God, however, was not unfeeling towards the human’s plight. He didn’t want to give them back the sun, he felt like they hadn’t earned that right. But, it didn’t mean he wanted them to suffer. So, he traveled to hell. Making a deal with the demons to go to Earth and protect mankind. The demons agreed because humans could serve as source of food. If they didn’t take too much from them they could live together in a harmonies relationship.

Demons traveled to earth and for a while things were fine. However, as the saying goes power corrupts and in time the demons became cruel to their charges. A young woman by the name of Sara Jean climbed the top of the mountain that god was said to reside. She begged God for a tool to help fight back. God was so taken by her plea that he granted mankind the sun. This meant that angels could once again come to earth and protect humans. However, this would start a war between demons and angels. The dark ones fled with the sun being beings of darkness, their powers began to fade and they decided to return to another realm one where it was always dark.

A Chance Encounter...

I had watched all the changes among the realms for most of my life. Being leader of the Zodiac Angels I had spent most of my life in Heaven. I guard the gate to God’s castle. Zodiacs are the guardians of the gates of heaven. There are 12 of us in total. I grew up in Heaven with my mother and father and my adopted sister, Cira. My sister who later became a Malakim, a type of angel who polices others angels. The two of us were always competing with each other. I wanted to be a warrior like her. However, I was never one for war. Being more inclined to healing and helping others.

During the war with between demons and angels I was among the angels that went to Earth. I wanted to help my brothers and sisters in any way I could. It was there that I would met the man I would fall in love with. The demon Sandlephen. At the time he was just another demon among the field, though it could be said a powerful demon despite having no real rank at the time. Or at least none that I knew about. He had been injured and I for some reason wanted to help him. Drawn by forces I could not understand I reached out to him. And he quite literally told me to go to hell. Okay, maybe not exactly but he did refuse my help. I followed him as he continued to move across the field despite his injuries. He seemed to determine to not give up. I couldn’t help but admire the spirit even if he was killing my friends.

It was then that he collapsed finally succumbing to his injuries. He might have died there that day if it wasn’t for me. Whether compassion or something else, I drug his body from the field and hide it. Doing my best to band aid the wounds I waited for the battle to end. Once it ended I found out what I could about who he was and traveled this his father. I knew nothing of what to do for an injured demon. So, I begged the man to help me. He refused and I became mad. How could he let his son die? He told me he had another more worthy so what did it matter to him. I stormed off and was determined that one way or another I would save him.

Falling In Love...

I stayed by his side doing what I could to ease his pain. Slowly, it seemed to help. He started to recover more and more every day. In time he could even talk to me. We slowly started to bond. Two beings from different worlds becoming friends because of strange circumstances. I should hate him. He should hate me. But, we both realized that we were clogs in the system. Sand and his brother believed in the old ways. They believed in the mission that was originally given to demons. They fought because their father told them too. I could understand that though I didn’t get loyalty to such a man. Slowly day by day we became fonder and fonder of each other till we fell in love.

The relationship between us was always turbulent. We would fight all the time but we always seemed to come back to each other. Despite the angels best efforts the war seemed to be being won by the demons. So, God created Sol. The champion of humans, she was supposed to tip the tide and punish demons who broke the rules and hurt humans for their own pleasure. However, Sol fell in love and the death of her lover at the hand of a demon sent her off the edge. She decided that demons shouldn’t be on earth and she began to kill them despite their guilt. Some she vanished back to hell. Many fled from her and she killed Rayis’s wife and children. Or so Sandlephen told me his brother told him. I hadn’t heard of her killing humans or half breeds but he said his brother say it with his own eyes. So, I am inclined to think something is strange or that Sol had a moment of strangeness.

God and the rulers of hell made a pact with Sol. They made the Covenant of Heaven and Hell. It was a set of rules dictating how angels and demons could behave on the earth. In return Sol agreed to be punished by walking the earth till she could atone for her sins. So, the deal was struck and the Earth now for the most part belonged to humans. However, many weren’t happy about this arrangement. Among them Rayis and Sandlephen who viewed it as rewarding Sol for killing his family. The two of them began to break the rules just because they could. I became upset and begged Sandlephen to stop. He refused to listen to me and in frustration I fled back to Heaven.

Returning Home...

This caused him to over react as he does and start to kill humans. He was trying to lure me back to earth. I was however upset with his behavior. He was set back to Hell and came to Heaven to see me. We made up after he told me that it had been to get my attention because he felt rejected. I was felt responsible for their deaths. However, I refused the offer of marriage made to me. I do want to marry him. I love him. But, there are times I am not sure what to make. I wonder if such relationships are supposed to work or if we are both just fools. My father’s words come back to me from time to time. The idea that love is the most powerful force in the world.

Rayis and Sandlephen had a plan though. God, had left heaven on a mission of which he wouldn’t speak. He left me in charge. So, they took over heaven. They locked up an angel that would have seen the face of God. Any that would know him and Rayis disguised himself pretending to be God. He wanted to rewrite he universe and take it back to the time when his wife and children were alive. He wanted to erase Sol from existence. Sandlephen locked me up in a crystal around his neck. In part because I know the true face of God and I know their plan and also because he thinks that it will keep me safe. That no harm can come to me if I am always at his side. It would be sweet if he hadn’t taken over my home.

A New Heaven...

Rayis in his pain created a new heaven. One where love was forbidden and any that questioned God met with harsh punishment. He would remove their wings. Despite this many did rebel. Some fell from heaven like Lucifer who became another type of demon and resides in Hell. This affected the new generation of angels. Rayis was fond of them but he did also punish those that questioned him. I am not sure but I think he was afraid if they found out the truth they would turn from him.

In time Rayis as a demon fell for the angel Kisara. Something happened a change during that time, however, it ended for reasons that I do not know. God always pulled her wings out and flung her from heaven after she questioned him. I don’t always understand what goes on in their minds. I am still locked in the crystal. I love Sandlephen though I wish he would let me fix Heaven. I do not think what they are trying to do is a good idea. I guess love is one of those things that despite all the differences in the end you still care.

The truth would all come out as Rayis admitted his feelings and the reason he took Kisa's wings to prove his love by crying for her and restoring them. Her wings came back though different and now after talking with Sol things are changing. Rayis is learning new truths and must decide what to do about them. Kisa and Rayis are once again on good terms and I am still at my lover side as we face new enemies and decide how to fix heaven.